10 Ways To Nourish Your Soul Right Now


"As we cultivate peace and happiness in ourselves,

we also nourish peace and happiness in those we love."

- Thich Nhat Hanh

I used to be that woman that had way too many commitments, and had a lot going on all the time, especially over the holiday season. I would wind up stressed out and often sick early in the new year.

This year has been a really special year. This is the perfect time for nourishment, reflection and visioning for the future. 

10 Ways To Nourish Yourself This Holiday Season

1. Take Something Off The Calendar: I have been sharing my Nourished December methodology for well over a decade. Those of you that have been around for awhile know, I'm a firm believer in taking time to reflect, turn inward and take things off the calendar in December. What can you take off the calendar this month? 

2. Inspirational Reading: Read something awesome that inspires you. 

3. Unplug: Take a few hours or a day off from devices and unplug appliances to lower your carbon output and reconnect with what really matters to you. 

4. Gentle Movement: Dance, walk or practice a gentle form of yoga. 

5. MeditationBreathe, find your center and bring yourself to stillness. 

6. Greens: Incorporate loads of greens into every meal and watch your energy soar. 

7. Reflection + Vision Journaling: Take some time to reflect on how you have grown this year, marinate on what you are letting go of, and start casting your vision for the future. 

8. Time In Nature: Get outside and spend time connecting to all the wisdom and beauty that nature holds. 

9. Sacred Ritual Bath: Allow your mind body and Soul to be deeply nourished with a sacred healing bath ritual. 

10. Restore: Get plenty of deep rest and relaxation you deserve it. 

Grab your Nourish Kit and dive into some Nourishing rituals right away!

Think of it like a DIY retreat for your Soul.

It's perfect for this time of year, craft your own personal mini retreat on your own time. We all need to be Nourished during these times and right now it's on sale.

You can get your Nourish Kit HERE 🤍

Love + Light




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