100 Things To Be Grateful For Right Now

There are millions of things to be grateful for right now...

The sound of the rain 🖤  Virtual dance parties  🖤 Fresh flowers on the table 🖤  Eating ice cream with a fork (is it just me?) 🖤 Nature in all her glory 🖤 Sunsets 🖤 Clean water 🖤 Mother Earth breathing 🖤 High quality chocolate 🖤 Soft bedding 🖤 DIY projects 🖤 Awesome curated theme music for every activity 🖤 Surprises 🖤 Home cooked dinner 🖤 Long walks 🖤 The wind moving through the trees 🖤 Chilling out on a Sunday afternoon 🖤 Neighbors 🖤 Internet 🖤 Hot tea 🖤 Cold smoothies 🖤 Friends 🖤  Bare feet on the earth 🖤 Meditation 🖤 Lazy breakfasts 🖤 Hawks 🖤 Moonlight  🖤 Comfy socks 🖤 Flip-flops 🖤 Blue skies 🖤 Having a place to call home  🖤 Waffles 🖤 Making art 🖤 Candlelight 🖤 Ocean 🖤 The kindness of people you’ve never met 🖤 Washer + Dryer 🖤 Deep Breathes 🖤 Picnics 🖤 Immunity 🖤 Cameras 🖤 Forgiveness 🖤 Memories 🖤 New Earth 🖤 The senses 🖤 Sticky Notes 🖤 Trees 🖤 Bees 🖤 Playing games 🖤 Starry nights 🖤 Beautiful views 🖤 Electricity 🖤 Squirrels 🖤 Empathy 🖤 Mountains 🖤 Honey 🖤 Love 🖤  Kids playing outside 🖤 Virtual calls with people you love 🖤 The moon + all her phases 🖤 Dragonflies 🖤 Laying in the grass 🖤 Living alarm free 🖤 Rainbows 🖤 Bowls 🖤 Snow 🖤 Wasps - important pollinators and an integral part of our overall eco-system 🖤 The Universe 🖤 Family 🖤 Soft pillows 🖤 Good books 🖤 Breeze coming through an open window 🖤 Good food 🖤 Flowers 🖤 Firepits 🖤 Future vacations 🖤 Connecting more deeply with Mother Nature 🖤 Ripening fruit 🖤 Rivers + Streams 🖤 Organic farmers 🖤 Sunshine streaming through the trees 🖤 Witnessing wildlife 🖤 Creative ideas 🖤 Orgasms 🖤 Yoga pants 🖤 Sleeping 🖤 Movies 🖤 Clouds moving through the sky 🖤 Time spent outside 🖤 Laughter 🖤 Tears 🖤 Deep conversations 🖤 Inner transformational work 🖤 The dollar bin of your favorite store 🖤 Frozen peas 🖤 Altars 🖤 Hinges 🖤 Thank You notes 🖤 Pets 🖤 Great jokes 🖤 That favorite pair of jeans 🖤 Nothing lasts forever (even this) 🖤


Loloma (Love) 🖤





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